Welcome To Helpjuice (2min video)
This is a sample article. This text is actually used as a 'preview' of the article
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Welcome to Helpjuice! This is a sample article we wrote for your to better try Helpjuice's Article Editor.
Quick 65 second intro to Helpjuice
What is Helpjuice?
Helpjuice is a super powerful knowledge base that is very simple and customizable.
Why do people use Helpjuice?
The top three reasons people choose Helpjuice over our customers is:
It's very, very, powerful. Our Analytics is industry-leading, we use Machine Learning to improve searches and so much more
With all that power, you don't need to be an expert - it's simple to use. We built Helpjuice for humans, not for robots. You don't need a PhD to use your software, it's simple enough for anyone on your time to use
- Customizable beyond your dreams. Ok, maybe not quite beyond your dreams, but we can customize your KB to look and feel like non other but your own. Best of all, we'll do it for you, for free, within 24 hours!
What can I do with the Editor?
Our editor is the closest KB editor you'll get to Microsoft Word. You can do the very basics such as linking to articles, uploading images, but even get as advanced as using our image editor, call outs, accordions and tabs
Here's some examples of our editor in action -- all these elements are one click away!
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There once lived a man/woman who used Helpjuice. They say that man/woman went to do great things because they didn't spend time looking at other solutions as he/she knew Helpjuice was the right fit.
Ready to learn more?
You can book a personalized 20-minute demo that is guaranteed to amaze you at https://helpjuice.com/demo